Commercial Property Inspection (CPI)

Our Commercial Property Inspection Services include the evaluation of all major components in a building, which establishes the components’ current condition, remaining design life, and any immediate and future repairs that are necessary. Our commercial property inspection services include the due diligence evaluation of the following components:

  • Structure – concrete, steel, and wood components
  • Roof system — surface material, condition, age and remaining useful life
  • Building envelope – roof and sidewalls including windows and doors
  • Interior finishes – floors, walls, and ceilings
  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
  • Electrical system and components
  • Plumbing system and fixtures
  • Fire suppression and life safety systems
  • Landscaping
  • Hardscape – walks, roadways, drives, parking areas
  • Storm water drainage

The final property condition assessment report includes:

  • Full narrative description of current condition and relevant photos
  • Estimated remaining useful life of major components
  • Recommendations for upgrades and maintenance protocols
  • Cost projections for repair or replacement of items exceeding $2000
  • Summary report highlighting areas of concern.

Property Condition Assessment (PCA)

The scope of work for the typical Property Condition Assessment will be based upon the Client Company Scope of Work if any and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E 2018-15. It will include the following:

  • Conduct a Site reconnaissance of the Site and adjacent properties
  • A review of the subject property, architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems, plus a limited review of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
  • Interviews with people knowledgeable of the subject property.
  • A review of local building and fire department records regarding the subject property.
  • Opinions of probable costs to remedy Immediate Physical Deficiencies.
  • Schedule of Replacement Reserves as required by the client.
  • Preparation of a Property Condition Assessment Report as required by the client.
  • Review records of State, Federal and Local regulatory authorities, permits, citations, violations, institutional and/or engineering controls etc. relating to the Site and adjacent properties per ASTM standards.
  • Review of User provided information, including but not limited to reports, letters, correspondence, and a chain of title review back to the time of Site development; to include any additional items may determine to exist.

As part of this assessment, a User Questionnaire will be forwarded to the User to complete and return to us. This questionnaire is intended to prompt the User to provide any relevant information to us. Relevant information would include previous related documentation, property capital expenses, and other pertinent information.

Equity PCAs

Real Estate Investors are interested in ensuring that their investment is a solid one, with no surprises. We tailor our Property Condition Assessments to the asset and the investor’s concerns. We can perform extremely thorough building assessments where all major systems are tested and evaluated. While our assessors are very knowledgeable, our assessments can be enhanced by our network of specialists.

Ancillary and Stand-Alone Services Offered

  • Mold Testing

  • Air Quality Testing

  • Asbestos Testing

  • Thermal Imaging

  • Radon Testing

  • Drone Imaging

  • Pool Inspections

  • Hot Tub / Spa Inspections

  • Lawn Irrigation Inspections